How to install Spreadtrum USB Drivers Manually On Computer

How to install Spreadtrum USB Drivers Manually On Computer - we say welcome to you who have been searching for information via search engines such as Google, in a blog Tech Gallery, now we will discuss information about the How to install Spreadtrum USB Drivers Manually On Computer, we have been looking for a lot of information from a trusted and collect it in this blog, so you get the information complete and easy to understand, please read through:

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These are the instructions to manually install spreadtrum usb driver on windows computer (including Windows XP, Vista, Windows 7, Windows 8, 8.1 and Windows 10).

Spreadtrum Android phones like itel are really gaining grounds in the smartphone world. Although, there might not have all the jaw dropping specs, but like other brands, they are increasing daily in popularity.
Every andriod device sometimes encounter software issues which will amount to flashing. Before flashing any device via your computer, you must install the phone's usb drivers to the pc which will serve as a middleman between your phone and the pc. Installing Spreadtrum usb drivers has some important steps to follow.
install Spreadtrum USB drivers Windows PC

Manually install spreadtrum usb driver on windows computer

1: Download and extract Spreadtrum USB Driver on your Windows Computer.

Firstly Download Spreadtrum Drivers (SPD USB DRIVERS) or Download here

2: Now, open Device Manager on your computer (to open device manager > Press Win+R to launch Run Command > In Run Command Window, Type devmgmt.msc).

3: Once, device manager is launched, Click on your computer name.

4: Now, Click on Action Menu and Select Add legacy hardware.

5: In the Add Hardware Wizard > Click on Next to continue.

6: Now, Select Install the hardware that I manually select from a list (Advanced) and click on Next to continue.

7: Now, under common hardware types > select on show all devices and click Next to continue.

8: Now, click on Have Disk and using the browse button locate the Spreadtrum Driver (SciU2S.INF).

9: Once your driver is listed in the blank area, click on Next to continue.

10: Now, again click on Next to continue.

11: Now, you will be able to see Windows Security Dialog Box. Under Windows Security Dialog Box, Select Install this driver software anyway.

Now, device manager will install the Spreadtrum driver on your computer (may take 1-2 minutes only).

12: Lastly, Click on Finish button to close the Add Hardware Wizard.

Above you can see the spreadtrum drivers is installed and listed in the device manager.

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